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Caterpillars from Egg Cartons

Miss Jenny

I am a big fan of process art, but I have been making these little guys with children for over twenty years. In fact my son, who just came home from the Navy saw me saving egg cartons and asked if I was going to make caterpillars out of them. Such sweet memories! This is a very simple project, but children love them. I usually feature this art project when I am celebrating butterflies in the classroom. It is one of the only "craft projects" that I still do. It is very simple. Cut the cartons in half and then half again. Let the children paint them however they want to. Let them dry. Poke two holes in the top for the antennae and lace a half of pipe cleaner through. Bend to make the curly top. Add the eyes. There you have it. Now I might have to feature fold over butterflies.......

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