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Talking About Covid-19 with Your Child

Miss Jenny

These times in your house with your children can be so very special. If we are mindful, these times can become precious memories with our children, In our state, New York, we have just received news that school will be remote for the rest of the school year, as the school buildings will remain closed for the duration of the school year. This may be hard for some of our youngest children to understand, but even the young preschooler will eventually ask why he/she can not go to school, or the playground, or their favorite restaurant right now. I have found a few resources for you to use to help explain the virus to your child. You should view them first to decide if your child is ready for them, but hopefully they will be helpful.

This one explains the virus in simple terms and in a non-scary way. I loved this one:

Another good one here that is not scary and simple for young children:

This is a great song about washing your hands:

This is a good video- book about fighting germs:

This one is about why we wash our hands:

This one is a little longer and more advanced. It might be good for older preschoolers or their older siblings (it portrays the virus as little more scary than the previous videos):

This one explains why we are wearing masks now and I highly recommend it:

There are so many ways to explain this interesting time we are all experiencing, but, if we don't explain some things to our children, they may become very confused or scared. As an educator and a parent, I highly recommend taking the time to talk to them about the virus. Just approach it matter of factly and with good science. Also, children love to know what they can do, and hand washing and staying home are their jobs right now. We must encourage them and praise them for being a part of solving this collective problem.

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