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Hands-on Letter Work

Miss Jenny

For this activity, all you need is two different size straight objects such as popsicle sticks or straws and two different size objects that bend like pipe-cleaners or ribbons, or yarn (even strips of fabric works). You can say a letter out loud or have a child draw a letter out of a hat, or work with just the letters of their name. It really depends where the child is at in their letter recognition. (You may have to write the letter out for the child.)

After the letter is determined, you should discuss the shape of the lines involved in making the letter. Will the child need straight lines, curved lines or both? This can be a question you pose to the child and this helps him/her to consider the shape of the letter or number. Then ask him/her to make the letter or number using the materials. This activity is fun, takes up some time in our long days, and helps the child with their number and letter recognition. It also is hands-on which is the preferred method of teaching content to young children. You can also vary this activity for older siblings where they can create their names or the sight words that they are working on. Enjoy!

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