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Can You Make a Rainbow?

Miss Jenny

I have been following and and participating in the 518 Rainbow Hunt that started as a FB group and has really taken off. It is such a cheerful project. The way this works is by children or adults creating a rainbow and taping it to their front door or window. Then, when neighbor children are on their walks they can hunt for rainbows. I just did the hunt while driving around through a small town and we found 8 rainbows!

Now we did it in a couple of ways (note the big banner and shirts hung in rainbow order above), but I wanted to show you how my daughter did it. We gathered buttons and sorted them into different colors (which is an excellent math activity). Next, she took a pencil and drew her design. After that, she glued her buttons on to the canvas. You can use anything like torn up paper, tissue paper, scraps of cloth, beads, or use paint.

After she made her rainbow, it had to dry and then I covered it in plastic and hung it on our mail box because we live far from the road. If you live in a town, you can just tape it to your door or window. This has been such an uplifting activity for our family. It is also very uplifting having my Facebook news feed filled with rainbows. You can join the group here. Then when your rainbows are complete, you can post them on the FB site and, if you are my students, you can post them in our forum attached to this website. If you are not one of my students, but are especially proud of your work and want to share, share with me below, at the bottom of this page. I will happily sing the praises of your rainbows!

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27 mars 2020

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